Creating Dummy Files
I have created dummy files two times or so now. Now, what do I mean when I say a dummy file? In my case, I mean a file which doesn’t have any actual content, instead it has more like some random dummy data. Similar to the lorem ipsum content that people use for placeholder text during development when they don’t have actual content ready yet
Before telling the reasons for why I needed a dummy file, I’ll first tell how I created a dummy file.
VSCode Golang Programming
I usually use IntelliJ when I’m working on company projects. These days I have been trying to use VS Code. Recently I have realized that VS Code’s Golang extension has a lot of new features to offer. I think a lot of credit goes to gopls (“go please”) - . I have been using VS Code with repos that have go modules (without vendoring). With vendoring on and go v1.
No Code Is Happiness
Like, really, don’t you think no code is awesome? Kelsey Hightower created this repo - where he says there’s no code, nothing to deploy, and that it is the best way to write secure and reliable applications
Wow right? :P I mean, if you are a software engineer, and you get paid for writing no code, that would be awesome right? 😂🤣 Well, not gonna happen I guess. You Will write code.
Test Test Test Code
I have contributed to a few open source repositories. One good thing I learned is - tests are very important and that we need to make sure that the software is robust. And when software breaks, it means that some test for a scenario is missing - add it, and the test will fail, as there’s a bug and then it can be fixed. Now, that’s a fix being done after the bug has been discovered.
Spinning up VMs in my local
This post is about how I spin up VMs in my local machine. This is considering I have already chosen to run something in a VM and not in a container like Docker container or any other tech like unikernels and others that I don’t know about :p
Now, back to VMs. Now, usually I used to use Virtual Box to run VMs in my local. It’s open source and I can run it in my Mac.
I Like to Write Things Down
I consider myself a bit forgetful. I’m not going to tell the reasons for that, but I think I know some reasons 🤔 anyways, now, I don’t know if I can solve the problem and remember more things. And even if I do, it will take time and till then, I need some mechanism to help me remember things. So, what do I do? Other than my brain, what can store lots of information and not forget it very easily?
No Cash and Digital Transactions
So today I was planning to travel in a van to a metro station and then in metro, go to the metro station near my house and then walk to my house which is close by
Unfortunately my van didn’t come. I then walked to a bus station and got a bus to the metro station. Now I had to pay, in cash for the bus fare. And I realized that I might not have cash in my wallet.
kubectl commands
Some of the commands that I use in my day to day work when interacting with kubernetes clusters
Exec / execute into a pod If you have kube-fzf, you can use execpod which is an interactive way to exec into a pod’s container
$ # exec into a pod in the default namespace $ execpod $ # exec into a pod in a particular namespace $ execpod -n <namespace-name> $ # exec into a pod in any namespace by seeing all namespace pods $ execpod -a Or if you don’t have kube-fzf, you can use the below
OSS Stories Part 1: Write Tests to Fix That Bug!
I recently thought I should share some of my Open Source Stories! Stories about how I contributed, what happened, some learnings, swags and what not. Anything that happened with respect to Open Source for me. I think I’ll try to write as much stories as possible! Not all of them will have technical stuff. It’s a story :P It could have anything. So, today I have one story to tell ;)
asciinema to record your terminal
Have you ever tried to record your terminal? Or seen anyone’s recording of their terminal? Usually people record to show how a tool works and put it in the tool’s README in the git repo. You can also record to do tutorial videos and more :)
So, my first thought to record my terminal would have been to just record my screen or terminal window using some screen recording / screen capture tool like Kap.